Friday, March 11, 2011

Cards and a giveaway

Hey Guys!!! Well..... as you know I go thru spurts of craftiness and spurts of "not so craftiness"... I'm afraid my "not so craftiness" spurts always last longer then my craftiness ones! LOL!!! ...anyway... I went to a craft night at my bff/sil's a couple of weeks ago and borrowed her Create a critter cricut cart! If you don't have it... you so have to get it!!! I love love love it!!! Here are 2 cards I made... I just love them sooooooo!!!

unto some BIG news................ you may know.... Mys bff/sil have an ETSY shop where we sell some paper and fabric items. We really enjoy creating these sweet things! Well... we just reached over 100 "likes" on FACEBOOK!!! YEA us!!!


we are having an awesome giveaway to celebrate!!!

Just go on over to the FB page, like us, and follow the rules to be entered!
{easy peasy}

oh yeah.... I teased you all about a giveaway on here also {a while back}....
so when I get back from spring break (3/21) I'll do one on here too!

Love, Mel

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