Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's day!

I hope you all had a wonderful Mommy's day!

I know I did... well besides working a 12hr shift at the hospital... I got to eat food from my favorite Mexican restaurant and came home to a very heavy box sitting on the counter... can you guess what was on the inside???

A cuttlebug!!!

Yea, yea, yea!!! I am so so so excited! It is not the pink one I wanted, but I am just so excited that my hubby actually snuck behind my back and ordered this for me. It's a big deal! on to buy some embossing folders!

Love, Mel


  1. Yay! You'll love playing with it! I love mine!

  2. Yeah, I'm hoping to buy 2 folders tonight... can't wait!


  3. Oh you will have so much fun with it. How sweet of him.
    My hubby got me a cricut expression, all I asked for was a day to sleep in and create all day. I didn't even notice it until about 20 mins after I got in the craft room LOL. Guess I need to clean up the craft room LOL

  4. Awesome!! I don't think there is enough room in the bed for E now....snuggling with the Cricut & now the "Cuddle"bug ;)


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